Projects & Events

Neighborhood Community Clean-ups

  • Date: From 10/12/2021 to 08/03/2022 (7 days)
  • Location: Naguru, Kampala, Uganda
  • Total Number of Participants:
  • Target Beneficiaries: Naguru residents, including children


was a community-driven initiative organized by Kele Global in the vibrant neighborhood of Naguru, Kampala. Our event brought together residents of all ages and backgrounds for a shared purpose: to create a cleaner, greener environment and foster a growth mindset among our children. Through a collective clean-up effort and engaging activities, we aimed to strengthen the sense of community while instilling in our youngsters a deep appreciation for environmental stewardship.


  1. To collaboratively clean and beautify the Nagouro neighborhood, enhancing the overall quality of life for its residents.
  2. To empower children with a growth mindset, showcasing their ability to contribute positively to their community and environment.
  3. To promote unity and diversity by encouraging residents of all backgrounds to work together toward a common goal.

Outputs / Successes of the event:

  1. Significant reduction in litter and debris throughout the neighborhood, resulting in a visibly cleaner and more inviting environment.
  2. Empowerment of children, as they actively participated in planting trees and engaging in educational activities, fostering a sense of responsibility and pride.
  3. Strengthened bonds within the community, as families joined forces to create a positive impact, forging new connections and relationships.

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